Gaia Healing Invocation

Painting by epic Artist Brenda Ferrimani

Painting by epic Artist Brenda Ferrimani

"May the truth be remembered!
May the old ways be honored.
May the strands of true alchemy unite in highest service for Gaia's ultimate health, and vitality. May the illusions that have bound our clear vision and right action be severed by the sword of wisdom. May there be protection for the resurrection of our full remembrance. In sacredness, her will be done, for the preservation of all life."

Invocation 11/13 -  by Shelley Sage Heart

This is a recording I made in July 2017 exploring our relationship of Reciprocity with Gaia.

Recorded Spontaneously on Malta July 2017: In this recording Shelley Sage Heart explores how we can more authentically honor Sacred Feminine consciousness, as Planetary consciousness. Exploring some tools for how to move from greed and into deeper reciprocity with Gaia.